Friday, February 24, 2012

Rocky Mountain High

Recently I saw a picture of John Denver, and it reminded me of a bit of trivia I once read that may or may not be true, but for some reason has always stuck in my head:  John Denver liked to mow his own private mountain property himself...but he had one idiosyncrasy:  he liked to mow it naked.  Riding around on his mower...maybe wearing that cowboy hat he's almost always pictured wearing, maybe boots, but beyond that... All I can say is, Sunshine on My Shoulder was likely the tamer version of that folksong he brought to fame.

I doubt if it's a true story, but sharing it always gets the same response from other people that it originally got from me.  "Eeewww.  Yech!"

But then I got to thinking, I realized he could do worse:
What Not to Do at Your Private Mountain Compound
1.) Build bombs
2.) Be married to 5 teenagers simultaneously
3.) Mow naked

Sin is sin, we say.  I've said it many times myself, but sometimes I fear I slap that statement down because I'm too lazy to struggle with the idea that some things good and bad come in degrees of goodness and badness.  To acknowledge it is to recognize one of the highest pinnacles of faith:  faith that a just God knows more than we do about how to measure such things as the heart of man and the far-reaching consequences of both his goodness and his badness.

August 1
As I continue my way through my Ministry Inquiry Book, considering eldership, diaconal ordination, etc. I find the following hymn lyric shared:
When the poor ones who have nothing
share with strangers,
When the thirsty water give
unto us all;
When the crippled in their weakness
strengthen others
Then we know that God still goes
that road with us...
Methodist Hymnal #434

A part of me knows if You call me to any ministry at all, it will be to this type.  You've put too much grooming that direction already.  My question is:  am I really up to being one of the poor ones?  No!  I'll only be able to do this thing if it is by your hand and your strength and your grace.  It will only be if I can do it to your glory.  Amen!

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